Development is a continuous procedure of innate and extraneous factors. Any behavior, adaptation or experience can be expressed by the human body. During communication, the biggest part is carried out by non verbal communication. The human body plays the most important role to conscious of the relationship between movement and expression ability during communication. Drug addicted people assign themselves, psychologically and biologically to “substance”. So, every withdrawal attempt should work not only with the psychical part of the addiction, but with the physical dimension, too. Then, it can be thought as completed. The purpose of this study is to present “body awareness groups”, which work out in an alternative “therapy” program  to deal with  addiction  to drug. The purpose of these groups is to help drug addicted people to realize that their body can be a medium for expressing emotions and communication. Member’s participation and behavior compares and assesses with their general function to the rest of the “therapeutic groups”. The result of this assessment refers to the total psychological and biological withdrawal attempt.

Key words: Non verbal communication, body, withdrawal attempt, group, emotion, expression ability, social interaction.

P. Georgakas, Ch. Vasiliou, S. Giorji, Th. Charitopoulou, Th. Chajoudi (page 73) - Full article (Greek)