The evaluation of sleep habits and sleep related problems in high school adolescent students in the Athens area and the assessment of these problems’ relation to demographic and other variables was investigated by the Athens Insomnia Scale – 5 item version (AIS-5), which  was administered to  713  adolescent  Senior  High  School  students  in  the  Greater  Athens  Area.  Data  such  as  age,  sex, school records, and time spent per week in school-related and extracurricular activities were collected. The sample’s mean sleep duration was 7,5 hours, mean bedtime 12:20 am and wake-up time 7:15 am. Total sleep time was not affected by gender, but was influenced by time spent in various activities. Sleep complaints were related to delayed sleep, onset latency and insufficient total duration of sleep. Girls complained more than boys, while correlations showed that students with lower academic  per formance  and  those  in  second  grade  were  more  likely  to  have  higher  AIS-5  scores. The  results  show  that  sleep  time  of  high  school  students  is  dependent  on  practical  matters  such as school schedule and other activities, while sleep complaints are related to female gender, bad school performance as well as to the second grade. The difference between actual sleep time and sleep complaints should be considered when studying the sleep of adolescents.

Key words: Αdolescent, sleep disturbances, sleep complaints

Ε. Lazaratou, D. Dikeos, D. Anagnostopoulos, C. Soldatos (page 221) - Full article (Greek)