The importance of certain socio-demographic factors, which influence the attitudes and ideas regarding the mentally ill, were investigated in a resident population of a Greek region. An urban and a rural sample of 1,975 inhabitants were selected with an age range between 18 and 65 years. The Greek version of the Opinions about Mental Illness Questionnaire (OMIQ) was used for measuring the attitudes of social discrimination, social restriction, social care, social integration towards the mentally ill and the beliefs for the aetiology of the mental illness. The collected data were statistically analysed with stepwise multiple regression analysis and for the coding of the variables the method of dummy or indicator variables was followed. Educational level, age and place of residence are the main socio-demographic variables on which the OMIQ score depend. The results of this study could lead to the identification of target groups for the organisation of prevention programs aiming at changing public beliefs towards the mentally ill.

Key words: Community, mental health, public's attitudes, mental illness, OMIQ.

O.D. Mouzas, N.V. Angelopoulos, A. Liakos (page 337) - Full article