Special articles
- A novel, metaphor-based description of the structural and functional aspects of cognitions for the clinical setting - Y.G. Papakostas, T.J. Petersen (page 299)
- Smoking in patients with psychiatric disorders: Effects on their psychopathology and quality of life - C. Tsopelas, K. Kardaras, V. Kontaxakis (page 306)
- Male depression: Discrete differences between the two sexes - A. Douzenis, E. Rizos, A. Paraschakis, L. Lykouras (page 313)
- Deinstitutionalization in Greece: Ethical problems - D. Ploumpidis, T. Garanis-Papadatos, M. Economou (page 320)
- The notion of “Sisyphus task” in medicine: A reconstruction - Y.G. Papakostas, V.M. Papakosta, M. Markianos (page 330)
Research article
General article
Case report
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