Research articles
- The impact of the recent financial crisis on the users’ profile of a community mental health unit - Κ. Pikouli, G. Konstantakopoulos, P. Kalampaka Spilioti, E. Fytrolaki, D. Ploumpidis, M. Economou (page 97)
- Psychosocial rehabilitation and severe mental illness: Factors that influence patients’ attendance in a support group - Z. Kalogerakis, A. Petroutsou, A. Chatzakis, D. Ploumpidis, Ch. Papageorgiou, M. Economou (page 108)
- Clinical presentation and requests for support of people with HIV/AIDS seeking counselling and psychotherapy in Greece - A. Peltekis, M. Koulentianou (page 120)
Special articles
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