Research article
Special articles
- Clinical guidelines for the management of schizophrenia:Aims and limitations (Ι) - M. Margariti, M. Hadjulis, M. Lazaridou, G.F. Angelidis,V. Fotopoulos, L. Markaki, F. Koulouri (page 301)
- Restraints in Greek mental health services: Ethics, practice and costs - G. Alevizopoulos, V. Bozikas, C. Touloumis (page 306)
- The concept of the "limit": Α metapsychological approach of the Freudian theory - Ν. Tsipa, F. Houssier (page 314)
- Women’s sexual function through sexual response models: From DSM-IV to DSM-5 - F. Ferenidou, P.S. Kirana, L. Athanasiadis (page 322)
Review article
General articles
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