Volume 17 Issue 1 - January - March 2006 Print | EmailEditorials The relevance of psychopathology - N. Tzavaras (page 6) The problem of day-time sleepiness and fatigue in the psychiatric patient - J. Kogeorgos (page 11) Review Prodrome of psychosis - Κ. T. Kollias, B.J. Havaki-Kontaxaki, V.P. Kontaxakis (page 25) Research article Prevalence of hepatitis C among psychiatric patients in a psychiatric clinic of a general hospital - N. Bilanakis, G. Apostolou ( page 43) Special article The French Classification of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders (CFTMEA): Comparative presentation in respect to ICD-10 and DSM-IV - H. Lazaratou, N. Zilikis (page 49) General article The importance of psychoanalytic psychotherapy within modern psychiatry - G.N. Chatzistavrakis, T. Lazaratou, P. Sakellaropoulos (page 62) Book Review (page 72)The Young Psychiatrist's Page (Greek) (page 74) Back